Category Archives: Live sound

Amazing musicians who have performed at the Roost

During the months I have been at the Roost, there have been some absolutely phenomenal performances that have made Roost history. The shows that have resonated with me the most are the ones I’ve chosen to write about in this feature; Here are some amazing Musicians that have Rocked the Roost.

Lance Lopez

Lance Lopez (Left) Pictured with Malford Milligan (Right)

Lance Lopez is a blues phenomenon. Take Stevie Ray Vaughan and Led Zepplin, then smash them together. One of a kind guitar tone, driving bass lines and powerful drums make for a most desirable three piece that most Quartets wish they could sound like. Lance tirelessly performs flawless solos that cut through the air like butter. With a voice that just screams gritty blues, there’s no substitute for Mr. Lopez. Lance plays at the Roost often, so you have plenty opportunities to catch this amazing act.

Carolyn Wonderland


Carolyn Wonderland is a home-grown hero to the Austin scene. She’s been around for a while, so it’s without question that she knows how to put on a show. She’s got a masterful grasp of the guitar. I can’t say I’ve heard anyone that sounds much like she does. There’s so much to be said about a musician of this caliber, I don’t know where to begin. What I’ll say is this, Carolyn is one of the most ‘Austin’ Musicians I’ve seen in a long time. You’re doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t see her live at least once.

The Wyldz


What can I say about the Wyldz? They Rock. Seems to me a few members of the band got together and said something along the lines of: “Wow, hold on there, this is Rock ‘n Roll. We need to sound like we just crash landed on mars and have to rock our way out of an alien space battle.” Which is exactly what comes to mind when you hear them live. The Wyldz are a legendary force in the making, straight from overseas, ready to rock our nation into space. It doesn’t really have to make sense, it’s just Rock ‘n Roll!

Ruthie Foster


Ruthie Foster is one of the classiest performances I’ve seen at the Roost, by far. All it takes is a guitar, a little bit of percussion, and a soulful voice. I don’t think I’ve felt as much atmosphere in the room as the night she performed at our venue. I was excited to finally see what all the hype was about Ruthie, and was not disappointed at all. There is a depth of understanding that she has with music that most people in the world will never even know exists. The best thing you can do to understand what I’m talking about is to hear her performing live.

Chris Duarte


Chris Duarte brings a whole new meaning to “playing ’till your fingers bleed”. I don’t think I’ve witnessed another act working so hard on stage to make the sounds he does. You can see him playing commanding his guitar to the point of downright insanity. Everyone breaks a string now and then, that’s why some guitarists have a backup guitar to switch out with. But when you go through every single backup guitar and end up at the point where you are changing strings in the middle of a song while a few natural bars of bass and drums taking the front stage, then that’s when you know that you are Chris Duarte. I had honestly not even noticed that he had switched out strings until later on that evening. It was just that natural on stage. If you’re a guitarist, make sure to keep an eye out for the next time Chris Duarte comes back to Austin. He’ll be at the Roost again on April 12th, 2015. If you’re in the area, I highly recommend catching this show!

chris duarte bloody pickguard
Chris Duarte’s Guitar Massacre

What is the best live performance you’ve ever seen that you hadn’t already known about before the show?

Engineering a live recording Pt.2

This post is a continuation of a previous post.

What is a good way to utilize a digitally split Multi-channel Audio signal?

recordingaliveshow_02_zoomH4N What’s wrong with two track recording for a live show?

Before getting started, what is the difference between recording MADI Signal and taking a direct L/R signal straight from the sound board?

For one, if you intend to sell a digital recording of a performance, two track recording isn’t the best way to control what you are going to be giving to people. Using MADI allows you to have complete control over the sound of every signal being sent into the recording. There’s no better way to create a live recording that will stand the test of time as far as audio quality and capturing the complete performance.

One way is to use it to save a recording of each channel being sent to the FOH. The best way to do this is to send it to a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Such as Protools. But there is no way to send input form an XLR Cable to a computer without the use of a analogue to digital audio converter. There are several ways to do this.

1. One way is to purchase a MADI Converter. This will take the MADI Signal from the CAT5 or Coaxle Cable and convert it into a digital signal that you could plug a USB 2.0 cable into the laptop with.

2. If you don’t have MADI capabilities. Another way is to dedicate an XLR to digital audio converter that will be used to plug straight into a laptop, sort of like a digital preamp used for recording a single instrument at a time. But one XLR Converter that can process about 32 channels at one time is a little expensive, but it is a good alternative to MADI if you are not capable of using MADI cable.


The Roost, live music venue in North Austin.

The Roost's front doors
Photo Credit:

Mother Falcon Photo Credit to Steven Mackie Photography:
Mother Falcon
Photo Credit to Steven Mackie Photography:

Hello there, my name is Crimson, and welcome to my blog. I’ll be posting all about things pertaining to my experience in the field of Audio. This includes venues I’ve worked at, projects I’m working on, places I’ve been, people I’ve met, and just about anything that I think will make an interesting read.

As this is the first post of the blog, I’ll be talking about the place where most of my musical and audio experience has come from. The Roost is a relatively small north Austin Venue that has caught a lot of attention from music lovers around the area due to it’s $450,000 Bose PA System. $35,000 worth of lighting equipment washes the stage full of colors for performers to look their best.

The venue has been built around the stage. By that, I mean that the entire room was torn apart and modeled specifically for the purpose of better sound. Every wall in the building is angles slightly toward or away from the ground in a way to dilute the sound. You’ll never hear a better sounding room of this size anywhere in Austin.

This room has housed some absolutely legendary performances by sensational local and national artists including, Mother Falcon, Shinyribs, Los Lonely Boys, Chris Duarte, Del Castillo, John Fullbright, Glenn Tillbrook of ‘Squeeze’, Bob Schneider and many countless others.

Mother Falcon Photo Credit to Steven Mackie Photography:
Mother Falcon
Photo Credit to Steven Mackie Photography:

What is the best sounding venue you’ve ever been to? Let me know and I’ll invite you to the Roost to see a show so you can make a comparison.